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4-8 Months

A great age for you to start making some gentle changes to improve their sleep, helping them develop lifelong healthy sleep habits. Establish an age appropriate routine, allowing you to plan around your little one’s sleep times and add more structure to your day. Ensure that you don’t keep your little one awake too long so that they become overtired or overstimulated as this can make them harder to settle. Following an age appropriate routine means they will be easier to settle, sleep longer and will be more well rested. So, everyone is happier.

What to expect with this age group:


Removing dependency on dummy / Establishing an age appropriate routine / Extending naps / Early risers / Helping your baby sleep longer overnight / Sleep associations with rocking, feeding, bouncing, etc / Sleep regressions / Frequently waking overnight / Bedtime battles / Cat napping / Struggling to self settle without assistance


If you seek any further guidance or support please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How we can help

As your baby achieves their developmental leaps, they may struggle to adjust to their new sleep routine as they move away from their newborn one. Our services will help your baby adjust so they can re-establish healthy sleep practices.


Our programs & packages

There are lots of exciting developmental leaps going on. They are becoming more mobile, learning to sit up, going through nap transitions and starting solids. Our Baby Sleep Program provides you the knowledge to help and improve your baby’s sleep and to develop lifelong healthy sleep habits. Plus if you need extra support we can help you through our Phone and Email Support package.


What our clients have to say

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Learn more about what Bubba Bedtime aspires to achieve and learn more about Aprilla.

Helpful Advice

A library of helpful articles for parents who require more generalised assistance.

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